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Hiking in Sunset

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom."

- James 3: 13


  Our values



In a culture of increasing isolation, self-seeking transactional behavior, and technology dependence, we double down on being human.  Having a healthy relationship and maintaining trust with our clients matters to us.


We aspire to be people who....
care for others and desire to grow in relationship with those we serve. 
believe in our recommendations and express them with conviction.
are accurate and practice for ourselves what we preach.

utilize plain language, with the heart of a teacher.
make you think, even if that is uncomfortable.

do what we say we are going to do.  
ask thought-provoking questions.

show our willingness to listen.  

behave as true professionals.

live our own ideal lives.

maintain integrity.

speak truth.



Your guides

Dave Veltkamp

Financial Planner, CPFA®, CFO 

Living his Ideal Life:

One of the faithful, student and scholar, restorer of brokenness, dedicated husband to his soulmate, unconditional loving father and grandfather, true friend, avid road biker, educator, comedian, guitar fan, globetrotter, risk-taker, entrepreneur, pathfinder, and champion

for the underserved. 


As a financial coach, Dave has been blessed by his Creator to be able to help families live their lives in harmony with their true values.  With over 40 years’ experience in the Financial Services industry, Dave has a wealth of insight, principled wisdom, and perspective that he shares with our Ideal Life community of clients. 

Manuel Campins

Financial Planner, CPFA®, MAE, COO 

Living his Ideal Life:

Believer, grateful, vision caster, servant leader, devoted husband to his best friend, involved loving father to three vibrant children, life-long learner, blueberry hobby farmer, world explorer, beach enthusiast, trailblazer, guitar lover, church volunteer, tech-specialist, friend and encourager, enthusiastic optimist, faith-filled,

and debt-free savings advocate. 


Manuel brings the heart of a teacher to our clients. With over 25 years of experience in personal, business, and educational finance and operations management, he applies his knowledge and passion for financial independence to those he is blessed to serve.

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Stacie Hartwell

Director of Client Services and Tax, PTP®, FC

Living her Ideal Life:

Helpful, patient, organized, cheerful and inviting, a person of her word, dedicated, supportive, nurturing wife and mother, attentive to others' needs, back-yard gardener, craft enthusiast, and

number cruncher extraordinaire. 

Knows what she's doing. 

Loves what she's doing.


Stacie is a master at making both clients and co-workers smile. She’s been the hub of our office since 2003, and applies her attention to detail, accountant's eye to many behind-the-scenes, fundamental action items, helping us run like clockwork.

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Emmy Nienhuis

Client Services Specialist, Paraplanner

Living her Ideal Life:

A bright light, sweet, fiercely loyal, thoughtful, genuine, motivated, detail oriented, empathetic, a planner, resourceful and hard working, wise beyond her years, one in a billion from a family of 10, aspiring guitarist, honest, competitive, joyful, and thankful for her life and those around her.


Emmy enjoys faithfully serving others and is very passionate about making a difference in this world.  She provides outstanding client service to our Ideal Life family of clients.  


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The team of advisory professionals at Ideal Life Financial has a combined 75 years of financial planning and coaching experience in serving families, individuals, and companies throughout the world.  
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